Civil engineering and highway maintenance works can have significant environmental impacts. Murrill Construction Limited realises that minimising these environmental impacts is of major importance and have taken a number of measures to lessen such impacts in the works that they carry out, including:
- all members of staff have been trained in 'Environmental Awareness'
- all new vehicles in the fleet are equipped with the latest Euro engines in line with European Vehicle Emissions Legislation
- the principle of recycling of materials and waste products in preference to the use of primary products is used at every opportunity
- maintenance treatments that reduce the long term reliance on quarried new materials and the disposal of existing materials are supported and promoted .
Murrill Construction Limited achieved registration to BS EN ISO14001:2004 (Environmental Management Systems, EMS) in April 2010. This is an internationally recognised standard for EMS that helps to establish environmental impacts for every aspect of the business. It ensures an awareness of relevant environmental issues and legislation, as well as ensuring that objectives and targets are set for improvements based upon risk. The Registration has been made by Advanced Certification a third party independent certification body.